Mars - An amazing Planet । Mission Of Mars

MARS Out of the remaining seven planets in our Solar - system, we need a world, that is not too hot, not made of gas and too far away from the Sun that is too cold. Our Red, Rocky Next door Neighbour MARS is that planet. Mars is lighter than Earth and, because of this, you would be about 38% lighter there than you are here. That meant, that if you weighed 100 Pounds , then you would weigh only 38 Pounds on Mars. Because of the difference in gravity. MISSION MARS: Elon Musk unveils plan to reach Red Plane t by 2022 At least two cargo Ships would land on the Red Planet in 2022. With the key mission of finding the best source of water currently mooted as a way to power rockets.The rockets would place power, mining and life - support infrastructure on Mars ...