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                   SPIRAL GALAXY Spiral Galaxies are looking like a round cycle. Spiral galaxies get their name from the shape of their discs. In this type of GALAXIES basically have a place named "galactic bulge" it is the central bright region of the galaxy, which Brightness is very high. In Spiral galaxies, near Spiral arm, a region presents, named HALO.                                                                                                       Spiral - galaxy originally described by Edwin Hubble . Most Spiral galaxies consist of a flat, rotating disc containing Stars, dust and Nebulae  and it's center is known as Bulge . Sub Categories Of Spiral Galax...

VENUS | interesting Facts About Venus

                              VENUS Venus is  secon d planet  from the Su n in our Solar - System and Nearest planet to the Earth. Brightness : Venus is Brightest planet in our Solar - System . and second  brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon.It can be seen even in daylight, if you know where to look. Venus is so bright because it is covered by clouds that reflect much of the incoming sunlight .     Surface : Venus has phases like the moon, because the orbit of  Venus is between the earth and the sun . Venus is covered by water vapor and sulfuric acid and the surface cannot be seen with an ordinary telescope. Evening - Morning STAR :   When Venus is west of the Sun, it rises before the Sun in the morning and is known as Morning - Star. And when Venus is east of the sun, it shines in the evening just after the Sun and ca...


                             OUR GALAXY   Galaxy is one of the mysterious and interesting thing of the Universe, which Scientists have not yet been able to know. A Galaxy is a large collection of dust, gas and STARS. The Galaxy is the gravitationally bounded system.Scientists classified the GALAXY according to it's property.                                                  The 'MILKY WAY' is our Galaxy. Our Solar - System is a part of Our Galaxy and Earth, where we live is one of the planet of Our Solar - System. TYPES OF GALAXY: There are three major types of Galaxy: 1. Spiral galaxy 2. Elliptical Galaxy. 3. Irregular galaxy 1.SPIRAL GALAXY :-Spiral galaxy is one kind of GALAXY. These are the most common type in the Universe. Our Galaxy MILKY- WAY is a Spiral ...

Mars - An amazing Planet । Mission Of Mars

                              MARS   Out of the remaining seven planets in our Solar - system, we need a world, that is not too hot, not made of gas and too far away from the Sun that is too cold. Our Red, Rocky Next door Neighbour MARS is that planet.                         Mars is lighter than Earth and, because of this, you would be about 38% lighter there than you are here. That meant, that if you weighed 100 Pounds , then you would weigh only 38 Pounds on Mars. Because of the difference in gravity. MISSION MARS: Elon Musk unveils plan to reach Red  Plane t by 2022 At least two cargo Ships would land on the Red Planet in 2022. With the key  mission of finding the best source of water currently mooted as a way to power rockets.The rockets would place power, mining and life - support infrastructure on Mars ...