SPIRAL GALAXY

Spiral Galaxies are looking like a round cycle. Spiral galaxies get their name from the shape of their discs. In this type of GALAXIES basically have a place named "galactic bulge" it is the central bright region of the galaxy, which Brightness is very high. In Spiral galaxies, near Spiral arm, a region presents, named HALO.
                                                                                                      Spiral - galaxy originally described by Edwin Hubble.
Most Spiral galaxies consist of a flat, rotating disc containing Stars, dust and Nebulae  and it's center is known as Bulge.

Sub Categories Of Spiral Galaxy:- 

Spiral Galaxies are divided into sub categories:-
A. S0  Galaxies: It is basically the mixture of Spiral and Elliptical galaxy. It works like a bridge between the two galaxies classification.

B. Sa Galaxies: It is a thin and tight arm of normal spiral galaxies. NGC - 1302 and NGS - 4866.
Those who can be seen clearly. The best examples of Sa Spiral Galaxy is

C.Sb Galaxies:- This type of Spiral galaxies have medium size NUCLEAS NGS - 891.
and it's arms are more larger than other galaxies like this, but having moderately wound arms. For Example :-

D.Sc Galaxies :-  Sc- Galaxies have very loosely wound arms around a smaller nucleus.
This is the category of Spiral - Galaxy, which is classified on the basis of their Dimension and Spectra.

The Spiral galaxies get their name from the shape of their disks. Since Spiral galaxies have a lot of hot and young stars, they are often among the brightest galaxies in the universe.

Structure of Spiral - Galaxy:-

Spiral galaxies have three main components:-

.DISK and

Bulge : The Bulge is a spherical Galaxy situated in the center of the galaxy.

Disk : The disk is made up of dust, gas and younger stars.The disk forms arm structures.

Halo : The Halo contains old clusters of stars known as Globular Clusters.

 About 20% of all galaxies are spiral. Our galaxy is also spiral, called Milky - Way.

MILKY -  WAY : - The Milky - Way is our galaxy, where we live.Our amazing galaxy is unique and beautiful. The sun and it's plane t lie in this quiet part of the Galaxy.

Our galaxy looks like a faint, milky band stretching across the sky. The galaxy contains more than Stars.


  1. Your post is amazing and knowledgeably and know us lots of information about the atmosphere where we live.
    can you make one blog on origin of our milkey-way...


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