VENUS | interesting Facts About Venus


Venus is second planet from the Sun in our Solar - System and Nearest planet to the Earth.

Brightness :

Venus is Brightest planet in our Solar - System. and second  brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon.It can be seen
even in daylight, if you know where to look. Venus is so bright because it is covered by clouds that reflect much of the incoming sunlight. 


Venus has phases like the moon, because the orbit of  Venus is between the earth and the sun.
Venus is covered by water vapor and sulfuric acid and the surface cannot be seen with an ordinary telescope.

Evening - Morning STAR: 

When Venus is west of the Sun, it rises before the Sun in the morning and is known as Morning - Star.

And when Venus is east of the sun, it shines in the evening just after the Sun and called the Evening Star.

Orbit of Venus:
Venus round the Sun in 225 days,

Distance from the Sun:
Venus is 67 million miles, or 108 million kilometers from the Sun.

Temperature of the Venus:
Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar - system, even hotter than Mercury, which is closer to the Sun.
                                                            The surface of Venus is about 465 degree celsius.

Moons : Venus hasn't any Moon.

Diameter: 12,104 km.

Why Venus is hotter than Mercury..?
Mercury is the planet that is closest
to the sun and therefore gets more heat, but even it isn't the hottest . Venus is the second planet of Solar - system and Hottest planet of the Solar-system.
The reason is that, Mercury doesn't have any atmosphere, and atmosphere can hold and trap heat. Although in the Venus, the carbon - dioxide traps most of the heat from the sun. the cloud layers also act as a blanket. The result is a 'Runaway Greenhouse effect',
That has caused the planet's temperature to sour to 465 degree celcius. This means that the Venus is even hotter than Mercury.


*Venus does not have any moon or rings and natural satellites.

*Venus rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets: This means that Venus is rotating in the opposite direction to the Sun.
Therefore It looks that the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

*Atmospheric pressure on Venus is 92 times greater than the earth.

*Venus is often called the Earth's sister planet:The Earth and Venus are very similar in size with only 638 km. difference in diameter.

Both also have a central Core. But chances are, no humans will ever live there.

*Venus is also known as Morning Star and Evening Star.

 *At one point, it was thought Venus might be a Tropical paradise: It is thought Venus did once have oceans but these evaporated as the planets temperature increased.

* Venus is the Hottest planet of our solar - system.

*Venus have continents, mountains and craters.

*A day on Venus lasts longer than a year: One day of Venus( solar day ) is as long as 117 Earth days.

*The Venus has over 100,000 volcanoes.
The largest volcano is over 5 miles high.

 *This planet has a molten core
made of Iron and Metal like earth.

*Huge cracks and crevices cover some parts of this planet's surface.

*Thick cloud of sulfuric - acid swirl around Venus: Sulfuric -  acid is a powerful acid,
that can melt just about anything it touches.

*The Venus has the longest rotation period of any planet in the Solar - system.


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