The Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the Solar - system. The Earth is the only planet in the Solar - system known to harbor life. LIFE ON EARTH The Earth's temperature, atmosphere and many other factors are just right to keep us alive. The Earth is just for enough away from the Sun, that it is at the right temperature to have liquid water on it's surface. In fact, most of Earth's surface is covered in water, which is very important for living things. SIZE OF THE EARTH The Earth is the biggest of all the terrestrial planets. but the Earth is much smaller than the gas planets, like Saturn and Jupiter, that are in the outer Solar - system. If you cut a piece of string long enough to wrap it around the Earth, it had be 24,901 miles long. That's longer than 365,000 Football fields. THE EARTH'S ORBIT AND ROTATES The Earth is still 93 Million Miles away from the sun. since it's so far away. it takes t...