The SOLAR SYSTEM is full of planets,
moons, asteroids, comets, minor planets, and many other exciting objects. the solar system is gravitational bound of the SUN and the objects that orbit it.

THE SUN is the star at the center of the Solar - system.
Planets of solar System:- There are 8 planets our Solar - system, which is divided in two categories-
  • TERRESTRIALS  :- There are four terrestrials Mercury, Venus, Earth and mars.Planets that are similar to earth, with bodies largely composed of rock.At 0.055 Earth masses , Mercury is the smallest terrestrial planet( and smallest planet) in the Solar system. Earth is the largest Terrestrial planet. These have many moons
  • GIANT PLANETS :- Four Giant Planets(Large low density) - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Massive planets significantly more massive than the terrestrials.

* GAS GIANTS:- Jupiter and Saturn , are giant planets primarily composed of hydrogen and helium and are the most massive planets in the Solar system.Jupiter, at 318 earth masses, is the largest planet in the solar system. And Saturn is one third in massive, at 95 Earth masses.

*ICE GIANTS:- Uranus and Neptune, are primarily composed of low- boiling-point materials such as water, methane, and ammonia with thick atmospheres of Hydrogen and Helium. they have a significantly lower mass than the gas giants(only 14 and 17 Earth masses).


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