The Mystery Of The Big - Bang
The Universe is a vast expanse of emptiness
that makes us wonder if we are the only life forms that live or if we can actually make interstellar space travelling possible.

Our Galaxy 
The Milky Way galaxy along with few other galaxies can be seen through the nacked eye from Earth at night depending on how dark is out there.

The Dark Matter
Everything that exits in the universe accounts for only 5% of the mass of the universe, the rest 95% is unaccounted for and is what scientists call as "DARK - MATTER".

The Alcohol Cloud
Around 26,000 light years away is Sagittarius B, an interstellar gas cloud that contains vinyl alcohol which is very essentials for the existence of life.

The Moon
Project A119, a project developed in the 1950s by the U.S. Government with the aim of nucking the Moon, a plan which they assumed would give them a leverage in the space.

The Ponzo Illusion
Your brain inflates the size of the moon to make it appear larger than it really is when you look at it through the horizon. If you don't believe it, block out everything else from your hand and watch the size shrink.

The Moon - Dust
Small shards of Silicon Dioxide glass made the Moon - Dust feel really smooth and smell like gunpowder, claimed the astronauts of the Apollo missions.

Shine Like A Diamond
A collapsed star, measuring 4,000 km.(2,485 miles) across and having a core composed of 10 Billion Trillion Trillion carats was found in 2004 by scientists.

The Floaty Planet
With a density of  .687 grams per cm. cubed SATURN would actually float on water even though it is massive planet.
when compared to water at .998 per cm. cubed,

Rotation And Revolution
The planet VENUS completes its journey around the Sun faster than it can spin around it's own axis. that means that the days are longer than a year on VENUS.

Cold Welding
In space, any two metals that touch each other can be permanently welded to each
other. The vacuum  of the space is enough to do that and not heat. since metals on space, shuttles are covered by a layer of oxidized material, they don't pose that risk.


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